Stress, lack of energy, distanced relations are frequent consequences of a life in modern times. Dr. Dejan Dinevski, an expert for yoga and meditation says that you can’t hide from the problems but it is wise to accept them, to find sense in them and to get over them. How does Yoga in Daily life help with this?
Stress, lack of energy, distanced relations are frequent consequences of a life in modern times. Dr. Dejan Dinevski, an expert for yoga and meditation says that you can’t hide from the problems but it is wise to accept them, to find sense in them and to get over them. How does Yoga in Daily life help with this?
A conscious relaxation: the first step into yoga
To confront stress Yoga in Daily Life is one of the most effective techniques. Stress is a problem known to every single being. The demands of a contemporary life bring along a lot of stress as well as a deeper psychological distress. For such, yoga offers exceptionally effective and verified techniques. Many modern methods such as autogenic training and some other psychotherapeutic methods have their origin in yoga.
Yoga in Daily Life knows many ways how to come face to face with stress. Firstly, we have to learn how to relax deeply. After that we learn how to practice this relaxation in an active life and how to work in a relaxed state despite all the hard work. This is a particularity which can be learnt in a system of Yoga in Daily life through enduring in different body postures and directing our attention to the breathing. Feeling pain always gives some message or even sense, as it points out to the mistakes we do in life. Instead of resisting (which is a very usual way of a modern man to confront pain) we learn how to partly accept, control or understand it, if possible also find the root of the problem.
Can yoga change a man?
Dr. Dejan Dinevski: “A psychiatrist dr. Bogart published a meta-analysis of researches in psychiatry on the topic of yoga and meditation and concluded the article by a statement that mediation can contribute to a deep transformation of a personality which is an aim of psychotherapy. Not only it changes a person, but a man can change one deeper negative patterns into more positive, constructive patterns-instead of destructive. Yoga itself already changes a person in a way that it creates some discipline in life, it changes the quality of relationships. A man learns how to listen to himself and in this way also the others. When one knows how to listen to the others one can build good relations.“
Asanas: a subtle body talk
Asanas are body postures we can do dynamically or we can hold the postures. The difference between asanas and other body postures is that usually we exercise quickly whereas asanas are done slowly, consciously and gently. The total number of asanas carried out is not important, but the quality of doing them.
Yoga in Daily life has a physical and mental relaxation before and after the exercises. The aim of the practice is not to transform the tensions or gathered energy into motion, but to harmonize body and soul with a conscious awareness of processes of body and psyche, to move consciously and to relax.
After practicing asanas and relaxation, body is not tired or exhausted. On the contrary, our body is fresh, regenerated, recovered and full of energy.
How do we make asanas the most effective?
Dr. Dejan Dinevski: "Moving our body is a body talk. As we learn to talk we also learn how to move our body properly. The system Yoga in Daily Life is designed in a way that with introductory exercises we gradually prepare our body for more demanding, difficult asanas. We relax our body before, during and after the exercise. With relaxation techniques we sharpen our consciousness about the body. If we want to do the asanas correctly and feel their effects, we have to relax physically and mentally. Also breathing is very important with asanas. If we breathe in harmony with movements, the asanas are harmonized-the blood circulation and metabolism are quickened, breathing is deepened and this has an influence upon the relaxation of the muscles.
Pranayam: the secrecy of receiving the life energy
One of the basic methods of Yoga in Daily Life is Pranayam. It means a conscious leading of our breath. With every inhalation our body gets prana along with oxygen. Prana is a life energy or a power which creates, preserves and changes and is a principal element of our consciousness.
When practicing Yoga in Daily Life we put a lot of attention to a focused and conscious breathing and gradually we learn more advanced pranayama techniques. A conscious directing of prana enlarges our vitality and strengthens an immune system, detoxifies the body, deepens our relaxation, calms down and clears our spirit. In this way we cultivate our life energy. We raise its level, we harmonize with our surroundings. We can stay calm and be aware of this very moment. Prana is also in our food, so our food should be healthy, whole, organic, vegetarian food.
How does a pranayama raise the level of life energy?
Dr. Dejan Dinevski: "Yoga in Daily Life knows the system of energy centres in the human, so called chakras. We can feel these energy centres by ourselves e.g. metabolic energy centre is a source of power. We can also feel our emotional energy, mental energy, the energy of concentration... Actually, this is one of the main aims of yoga-a relaxation, taking care of our energy and raising the level of our life energy. One can learn all these when regularly practicing pranayama."
Meditation: a bridge towards the endless potentials of a human
We can compare a human mind with a mighty river. We cannot stop its current. If we build a dam, the water accumulates. The dam slowly weakens and the mighty river overflows. Controlling the mind too much and suppressing desires and emotions leads to the tensions accumulated in the sub-consciousness. At some point it can leak out in a form of aggression or as a psychic disease.
A Self-Inquiry Analysis meditation of Yoga in Daily Life teaches us to come to know the tools of our consciousness (the mind and the senses) without disturbing their activities. A Self-Inquiry mediation of Yoga in Daily Life consists of a relaxation, body postures-asanas which prepare for a longer sitting and of course many yogic meditative techniques. First we start with asanas, then we have a meditation. This is a natural process. If we want to meditate we have to first learn how to feel our body and relax deeply. Without this, there is no meditation.
What happens to us during a meditation?
Dr. Dejan Dinevski: "During the meditation many things happen. The first, principal step is a deep relaxation. When a man relaxes, he focuses his attention inwards, becomes present in the present moment. This is the second foundation stone. After that we learn how observe ourselves on a deeper level. First we observe our body, then our breathing, our energy. Slowly we deepen our observation to more subtle levels, later we make a distance to our thoughts. We learn to observe our thoughts. Here there’s somehow a quantum leap-we can say that a person learnt how to meditate. One becomes an observer of oneself. We come to a level where we can understand ourselves, we can make a dialogue with ourselves and here we a have a spiritual part of a meditation, where we start talking about consciousness, inner peace. A perfect inner peace is an aim of a meditation. It brings freedom, and the feeling of inner freedom is very fulfilling for a human being.
With a regular and correct exercise of relaxation, asanas, pranayam, meditation and other yogic techniques along with a proper guide of a teacher who has already walked over this path, a man can gradually discover his numerous, undiscovered potentials.
For the first step towards Yoga each person has to take his own responsibility
You can start by attending a yoga course. Yoga in Daily Life offers classes in 93 cities throughout Slovenia. After a few weeks of attending the course you can already practice individually. In the beginning 15 minutes is enough and you can already feel the effects of the exercises. They encourage you to deepen your knowledge of yoga, to practice more. Slowly you include yoga into your daily rhythm in a way which is not disturbing for you.
The author of the scientifically confirmed system of Yoga in Daily Life Vishwaguru Paramhans Maheshwarananda.
How does one find that “true”yoga?
Dr. Dejan Dinevski: "Yoga in Daily Life, the most widely spread yoga in Slovenia, is authentic yoga. Authentic yoga is the one which is wholistic-it includes body exercises, breathing-energy exercises, a meditation as well as it deals with a spiritually philosophical aspect. In my opinion and also with my experience- only this wholistic approach can bring you to the deepest and the most wholistic effects. That is why we teach with this approach in our yoga centres.”
Scientifically confirmed system of Yoga in Daily Life improves your quality of life
Yoga in Daily Life is one of the most recognized and internationally valued scientific system of classical authentic yoga which is practiced in thousands of locations and institutions throughout the world.
It’s a wholistic and step by-step system of principles, techniques, exercises. Its author Vishwaguru Paramhans Maheshwarananda has adjusted it to the modern needs of life. The system is based on some thousand-year old experienced traditional knowledge in order to achieve physical, mental, social and spiritual health. The exercises are harmonized, calm and well thought out. A conscious breathing is emphasized. To practice Yoga in Daily Life means to enjoy the beneficent effects of authentic yoga. It means to help oneself.
A scientific system of Yoga in Daily Life in Slovenia is organized by the Fellowship of yoga in daily life Slovenia. There are more than 130 yoga teachers- volunteers with an international certificate active in 93 places for the last 27 years.
Register into a new semester anywhere in Slovenia!
Find a class for yourself and experience beneficent effects of authentic yoga.
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Photographs: Yoga in daily life - The System (Bojan Radin in Oliver Ondráš), except a photography of dr. Dejan Dinevski - Bojan Puhek.
A link to original article at SIOL:NET news portal.